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Pharmacies in Canada May Sell Over The Counter CBD

A committee representing #Health #Canada released a review on the safety and efficacy of #CBD. Composed of nine volunteers, the committee was established with four objectives regarding #cannabis.One of the objectives included that pharmacies in Canada may sell over the counter CBD packaged in a #box . Canada legalized non- #medical cannabis in 2018, but the country established a medical system as early as 2001. Cannabis sold for medical or adult purposes in Canada is generally regulated under Good Production Practices rather than the #Food and Drugs Act. The only exceptions are a small handful of prescription cannabis medicines backed by years of clinical trial data.

Bringing CBD under the Food and Drugs Act allows patients to self-medicate and purchase CBD from general stores. No cannabis retail license would be required to sell CBD. And patients will not need a prescription under the new recommendations. Of course, CBD products should remain unaffected in heavily taxed cannabis stores. Furthermore, Only pharmacies will sell non-prescription CBD if Health Canada adopts the sixth recommendation, which intends to encourage #physician accessibility. Unsurprisingly, the committee recommended an extensive list of warnings and instructions for CBD products offered without a prescription. To accommodate the length of these warnings, an insert can be placed in a box containing the CBD product.

Labels on over the counter CBD products should also give clear instructions on adverse event reporting, according to the committee’s recommendations. The insert should also clearly display #cannabinoid content, source, method of extraction, and any residual solvents.

Distributed by: Cannabis Broadcast Station/ Infinity Broadcast Network

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