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CCN Newsletter LIVE: 4/20 Recap, Retailers Demanding Arrests, Global Marijuana March

CCN Newsletter LIVE: 4/20 Recap, Retailers Demanding Arrests, Global Marijuana March

POT TV – WATCH CCN Newsletter LIVE at 4PM PT on POT.TV.

Hosts Anil Sthankiya and Spicoli discussed headlines from the world of cannabis culture.

How was your 4/20? Ours was smokey. Let’s look back through the haze, and see where the truth is.

What’s the next protest action after 4/20? The Global Marijuana March. Events are planned all over the world this year. We look at past protest actions in Toronto and Vancouver. It’s as grass roots as you can get.

The BC Government wants to discuss legal cannabis lounges, but they don’t want to discuss smoking or the culture. Why are they still lounging on prohibition?

Legal cannabis retailers are demanding everyone else be arrested. Yuck. They want the community’s money, but they don’t respect the culture. Boycott stores that don’t stand up for what’s right.

The fight for homegrow continues.

The news is the Cannabis Act is an overbroad and arbitrary violation of the right to peaceful autonomy. Cannabis is a naturally occurring plant, and is not inherently harmful, No penalty for peaceful pot practices should be permissible by law.

Show notes:

We Got The Goods

Global Marijuana March Toronto 2022

Switzerland To Launch Adult-Use Cannabis Sale Trial Program This Summer

Malawi Looks To Cannabis For Profits Amid Declining Tobacco Demand

Law Banning Manitobans From Growing Cannabis Challenged In Court

Meet the Edmonton man transforming pot containers into useful products

BC Government Consultation on Cannabis Lounges

BC Government Consultation on Cannabis Lounges – We’ve Seen This Movie Before

Calls to legalize cannabis in Guernsey

Cannabis Could Be Grown In Space – And It Might Be The Best Cannabis Yet

Legal Cannabis Retailers Demand Return of Prohibition

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