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Cannabinoids, diet & metabolism: The science linking food, hunger & cannabinoids
You really are what you eat, Leafly reader. We know that after you smoke weed, you will eat more in the moment—but as it turns out, you won’t necessarily gain weight in the long-run. Hey, the neuroscience of hunger and weed is…
Autistic life quality rose in rare study of customized cannabis treatments
An individually tailored cannabis regimen may ease symptoms of autism, according to an August study published by Frontiers in Psychiatry. The researchers studied 20 autistic patients who followed a customized regimen of either CBD oil,…
Wait, CBD might help cure balding? Get out of here
The list of things cannabis can do for you, your health, and your body keeps growing like a weed. A 2023 study has found hemp extract may aid in hair regrowth for alopecia sufferers. The study followed patients with alopecia over a…
Five Cannabis Stories You Might Have Missed – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana
What are the five cannabis stories you might have missed? Nowadays, it’s impossible to keep up with cannabis news stories across the world. Whether it’s banking reform and rescheduling in the United States, legalization in Europe or…
Journeymen Collective: Magic Mushroom Retreat – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana
What is the Journeymen Collective magic mushroom retreat? Contemporary shamans Gary Logan and Rob Grover sat down with CLN the other day to discuss what really happens in a psychedelic treat.Is it a type of psychedelic therapy? Not…
Is Cannabis Addiction a Treatable Medical Condition? – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana
Is cannabis addiction a treatable medical condition? According to one doctor, “cannabis addiction is a real and treatable medical condition.”She claims the “cannabis legalization movement” has successfully pushed back against this…
Study: Medical Cannabis Reduces Neuropathic Pain – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana
A recently published retrospective study suggests medical cannabis reduces neuropathic pain without serious side effects.Algea Care, Europe’s leading telemedicine platform for medical cannabis, conducted the study in cooperation with the…
New study supports testing weed for heavy metals
In brief: Legal cannabis gets tested for heavy metals in most states. That’s good because we know weed sucks up metals from the ground. And now, researchers have published a link between cannabis use and metal exposure among a group of…
What is Public Health? – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana
What is “public health?” Since 2020, the term has entered the mainstream, but public health was around long before covid. Canadian politicians crafted cannabis legalization with “public health” goals in mind.Instead of the traditional…
Cannabis Legalization Improves Mental Health? – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana
Does cannabis legalization improve mental health? According to a recent study published in Health Economics, the answer is yes, probably.The study found states that legalized cannabis saw admissions for mental health treatment drop. But…