Cannabis Oil’s Efficacy in Treating Arthritis in Dogs Backed Up By a Slew of New Medical Studies
Studies Back Up Cannabis Oil’s Efficacy In Treating Arthritis In Dogs
Arthritis is one of the most common ailments that will affect dogs approaching their senior years.
According to experts, 80% of dogs will have arthritis, though 20% of them can experience symptoms as young as one year old. The risk for developing arthritis is more pronounced with larger breeds, especially those that are older. And just like with humans, dogs too suffer from extreme pain and discomfort when they have this condition.
Once dogs begin to develop arthritis, their mobility is severely limited. They are no longer able to do and enjoy the activities they once did such as running or jumping.
But there are things you can do to help your dog.
Studies show that cannabis oil can help our furry loved ones. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the active compounds in the cannabis plant, though the best CBD oils are derived from its cousin, hemp. CBD can be a great natural alternative to pharmaceutical treatments, and there are studies showing its efficacy for dogs (and humans too!).
In one 2018 study conducted by researchers at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, they analyzed dogs before and after the trial. Dogs were given either 2mg or 8mg of CBD oil for each kg of body weight twice daily. The researchers found that CBD oil at 2mg per pound was an effective dose in reducing the visible symptoms of pain among the dogs. It was also beneficial in improving mobility and activity.
Meanwhile, a 2020 study was conducted by researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine together with Medterra CBD. It was the first scientific study to analyze the therapeutic benefits of CBD for arthritic pain in canines. They chose to focus on 20 dogs compared to other animals since dogs’ symptoms are similar to those of humans.
These dogs participating in the study were being treated at Houston’s Sunset Animal Hospital. Their owners were randomly given bottles with either CBD, liposomal CBD, or a placebo. However, neither veterinarians nor the owners knew which ones they were given.
Dr. Matthew Halpert, the study’s corresponding author and a researcher at the Department of Pathology and Immunology of Baylor, used Medterra CBD tinctures. They found that it was effective in reducing production of immune cells as well as inflammatory molecules, both of which have been linked to arthritis after four weeks of treatment daily. “CBD is rapidly increasing in popularity due to its anecdotal health benefits for a variety of conditions, from reducing anxiety to helping with movement disorders,” Halpert explains. “In 2019, Medterra CBD approached Baylor to conduct independent scientific studies to determine the biological capabilities of several of its products,” he added.
“We found encouraging results,” Halpert explained. “Nine of the 10 dogs on CBD showed benefits, which remained for two weeks after the treatment stopped. We did not detect alterations in the blood markers we measured, suggesting that, under the conditions of our study, the treatment seems to be safe,” he says.
Things To Keep In Mind Regarding Cannabis Oil For Your Dog’s Arthritis
The current research and anecdotal evidence we have regarding cannabis oil for canine arthritis is promising. More renowned cannabis oil manufacturers are adding CBD oil to their product catalog because of the sheer popularity and efficacy in treating canine arthritis as well as many other conditions.
However, there are certain things to keep in mind if you want to use cannabis oil to treat your dog’s arthritis:
If you aren’t sure how much CBD oil to give your dog, follow the manufacturer’s directions or ask your veterinarian. It will usually be a weight-dependent dose. There is no need to worry about your dog getting high from CBD oil provided you buy from a licensed and renowned manufacturer because it does not contain any THC.
You will also need to clarify with your veterinarian how much CBD oil to give your dog based on existing supplements and medications they are already taking. Dogs can also suffer from drug interactions caused by mixing treatments just like we can.
In both humans as well as dogs, arthritis cannot be cured. It helps to manage your expectations of the results of cannabis oil; these treatments can greatly reduce the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis that can help improve quality of life while enabling your dog to stay active for a longer time.
Studies show that cannabis oil is beneficial in reducing the symptoms of arthritis temporarily even when treatment stops. However, even cannabis oil cannot completely get rid of arthritis permanently.
Should you decide to try using CBD oil for your dog, it’s worth investing time into researching the right product to use. Not all CBD oil is made equally, so be sure to buy high-quality CBD oils from well-known brands. It’s always recommended to go organic whenever possible as this reduces the risk of contamination and disease caused by pesticides, fungicides, and other unwanted ingredients.
Look for CBD oils that have specifically been formulated for dogs. Even better if the product comes with a certificate of analysis. Only give your pet CBD oil that has been made from hemp and does not contain even trace amounts of THC.
Last but not least, don’t buy only according to price. The higher quality CBD oils for dogs will cost more, while the cheaper options will usually contain herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and other additives that you wouldn’t want in your body – so why would you want to give it to your dog?
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