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Can I buy weed online? | How to avoid cannabis scammers | Follow your laws when buying weed online

Can I buy weed online? How to avoid cannabis scammers | Follow your laws when buying weed online

You’ve probably come across a few comments with some random person offering weed. Or maybe you’ve even been messaged directly from someone who says they got the hookup.

Some people will be able to tell right away that it’s a scam but some folks might be desperate for a new cannabis provider.

Why you should not buy weed online: Bots, scammers, cops, it’s illegal unless from a licensed provider – which do not use spam comments to drive marketing.

Miggy420 explains how to spot online cannabis scammers and why you should never buy weed online. Always follow your state’s laws when buying marijuana, or weed, either in person or online. Some states do allow for online cannabis sales – but only from licensed shops.
DISCLAIMER: Most online weed sales offers are not legal and you should avoid them – always comply with your weed laws when buying online or in person.
#CannabisNews #CannabisScams #onlineWeed
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