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6 Points You Need To Consider While Traveling With CBD


6 Points You Need To Consider While Traveling With CBD


One of the frequently asked questions among medical cannabis users is, ‘how do I travel safely with CBD?’ This article will hopefully settle that question once and for all. But before we highlight the tips for traveling with CBD, it’s essential to start by understanding what this compound is all about.


Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a substance obtained from cannabis, which medical experts recommend treating several ailments.


Delta Extrax

Multiple studies and clinical trials have shown that cannabidiol might help manage both acute and chronic pain. CBD also contains powerful antidepressants and anti-inflammatory properties. You can also administer the compound to treat various symptoms of insomnia, nausea, muscle spasticity, etc.


With such a long list of pharmacological applications, it’s not surprising why cannabidiol is gaining traction in various industries other than the health and wellness sector. It’s not unusual to come across numerous CBD-infused travel supplements.


However, traveling with CBD isn’t exactly straightforward. You’d need to undertake certain precautions to have the best CBD-friendly vacation. Below are the top six things to consider while traveling with CBD.


Know the Benefits of Traveling With CBD


This is arguably the most critical consideration when planning to travel with cannabidiol. CBD offers numerous health benefits that travelers can enjoy.

Examples include:


Pain Relief


Long-haul flights or road trips are synonymous with backache and neck aches. Some people may also report pain and numbness in their legs due to maintaining the same sitting position for long.

Cannabidiol may help to relieve travel-induced pain. CBD is noted for its positive interactions with pain-signaling neurotransmitters, such as the vanilloid receptor.


Managing Anxiety


Travel-related anxiety is common if visiting a place for the first time. The anxiety could also result from other uncertainties, such as running out of cash or coming down with endemic diseases.

Also, consider the music preferences of others on the journey to create a holistic playlist. With the right music and astonishing views, you can make the most of the weekend excursion. Apart from this, get a roof rack floodlight to carry the luggage and travel comfortably.


Treating Jet Lag


Jet lag is a sleep disorder triggered by traveling rapidly across several time zones. The condition typically lasts a couple of days as your body gets accustomed to your new sleep-wake rhythms. However, jet lag may decelerate your productivity while it lasts.


Cannabidiol has proven effective against jet lag and other sleep disorders. CBD is a renowned sedative. The compound aids sleep by shrinking sleep onset time.


CBD may also treat jet lag by minimizing the duration of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM is a sleep phase marked by heightened physical activity, particularly involuntary eye movements within the sockets. Medical researchers believe that reducing REM sleep translates to more restful sleep.


Are You Traveling Within Your Borders?


The enactment into law of the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived CBD across all 50 states in the US. The only requirement is for such products to contain no more than 0.3% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary chemical in weed.


Besides, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) doesn’t focus its screening on cannabis and its derivative compounds. Instead, the screenings are geared towards detecting potential threats to aviation and passengers, such as bombs and flammable substances.


However, the situation may not be the same in your country. Therefore, it’s essential to check your local CBD laws if traveling within your borders.



Are You Traveling Outside The Country?


Cannabidiol laws vary from one country to another. If traveling outside the country, it’s prudent to establish CBD’s legality in all the destinations you plan to visit. This requires adequate background research. The research should uncover whether a country criminalizes recreational cannabis, medical cannabis, or both. You might also want to check the penalties for illegal CBD possession.


In the same breath, find out a country’s vaping laws. That’s especially if you prefer consuming cannabidiol by vaping.


Have Proof of Medical Marijuana Use


Cannabidiol is classified as medical marijuana. The compound is generally prescribed for therapeutic as opposed to recreational purposes.


If you can, procure some proof of medical marijuana use. This should preferably be in the form of a prescription from a licensed doctor. Presenting proof that you’re officially on medical marijuana prescription can help you pass through many cannabis-focused screenings.


Avoid THC-high Products


Most countries that still outlaw marijuana for medical and recreational use primarily take issue with the plant’s psychoactive nature.


Now, tetrahydrocannabinol accounts for the vast majority of cannabis’ mind-altering effects. So, one way to travel safely with cannabidiol is to insist on low THC products. The cardinal rule is to go for CBD goods with a maximum THC potency of 0.3%. If in doubt, opt for products labeled CBD isolates or broad-spectrum CBD.


Pack Small


When planning an extended vacation, most cannabidiol users would be tempted to pack as many CBD products as possible. However, experts strongly discourage this.


Packing too many products may have law enforcement officers suspect you for smuggling. It shifts the focus from being a potential CBD user to a trader. Therefore, your best bet is to pack small. You can always restock if you ever run out of CBD while traveling.



Final Word


Traveling with cannabidiol is an excellent way to enjoy the compound’s therapeutic benefits as you seamlessly explore unique destinations. We hope you can rely on this guide the next you’re planning a CBD-friendly vacation.


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